An invitation allows you to invite people by sending them a free ticket, just like a buyer would get (that shows 0.00$). As an organiser, you can send up to 500 invitations (but if you need to send more, feel free to reach out to our support team).
When you create your ticket office, go to the "Invitations" tab. You'll then be able to create invitations based on ticket categories, or outside them.
Click on the "Add Recipients" button on the Invitation list to add the first / last name, and email addresses of the guests. Once the list is complete, you can then click on the "Add x recipients" button.
You can also check the status of the invitation email:
You can also import a CSV spreadsheet with the list of guests to whom you want to send the complimentary tickets. This way, you can send all the tickets at once. To do this, simply click on the "Import CSV" button, then click on the "Download a template" button. Fill out the template and then drag and drop it in the tab. Verify that the informations matches then click on the "Import recipients" button.
Unlike guestlist members, you'll be able to keep track of these tickets, which will be included in your "Orders" panel.
You can also cancel an invitation that was already sent, by clicking on trash can icon on the right side of the invitation, and them confirm it by clicking on "Cancel Recipient":
By doing so, the invitation ticket that was sent will not be valid anymore. Even if the person who received it has downloaded it.