You have the possibility of adding the legal obligations on the tickets, which will be indicated on all the tickets issued as well as all the invitations (event prohibited for those under 18, the organiser defines the right of entry, etc.). Under the “Event Description” box, you can check the “Add a legal description on tickets” box, and a block of text will open. Enter the information you want to include here.
For your information, from a legal point of view, the ticket constitutes the contract between the organiser and the participant. It is therefore mandatory and regulated, and it must contain a certain amount of information. Namely, for dematerialised tickets, this information is then recorded and stored electronically, and must be consultable and restorable in clear in the event of control operations:
- the identification of the organiser;
- the order number of the note, from an uninterrupted series and sold in order;
- the category of the seat and the screening to which the ticket entitles the holder,
- the name of the event;
- the price paid by the participant or the mention of free admission in the event of an invitation.