Discover the new Satisfaction Shotgun feature, a powerful tool for collecting valuable feedback and improving the quality of your events. By activating this feature, we'll automatically send out a satisfaction survey after your event, guaranteeing you relevant feedback directly from your fans.
The survey
If activated, here's how the satisfaction survey sent to your event participants looks like:
We ask participants to rate five categories:
- 🎸 The Lineup
- 🔊 The Sound System
- 🎪 The Venue
- ☮️ The Security
- 📍The Accessibility (location)
If participants rate between 1 and 3 out of 5, we ask them for more information about their dislikes. A report of all the responses will then be available on the Smartboard.
How do I activate the satisfaction survey?
To activate the satisfaction survey for an event, simply visit the event in question, then the Satisfaction Survey menu, click on Activate survey, then Activate survey.
For which events is the satisfaction survey activated?
By default, the satisfaction survey is deactivated for all your events. You can choose to manually activate the satisfaction survey for any past or future events you wish.
Who will the survey be sent to?
The satisfaction survey will be sent to all participants who attended the event, i.e. everyone with a scanned ticket.
⚠️ We only send the same satisfaction survey to your fans once every six months. This means that if someone attends many of your events within six months, they will only receive your satisfaction survey once.
When will the satisfaction survey be sent out?
If your event has not yet ended, the satisfaction survey will be sent one day after your event ends at 5pm UTC.
If your event has already ended, the satisfaction survey will be sent one day after its activation at 5pm UTC.
What does the satisfaction survey look like?
You can view the satisfaction survey here:
⚠️ This link is an example link. No data will be saved from this example link. In the final version of the survey that will be sent to your participants, the name of the corresponding event will be automatically displayed in the title "So, How was [EVENT NAME]?".
Can I modify the satisfaction survey?
Unfortunately, the satisfaction survey cannot be modified at present.
How can I deactivate the satisfaction survey?
If you've activated the satisfaction survey but it hasn't yet been sent out, you can deactivate it by clicking on Activated then Deactivate survey. Once the survey has been sent, it can no longer be deactivated.
How do I view the survey responses?
Once the satisfaction survey has been sent out, you can view your participants' responses from your event's Satisfaction Survey menu.
Can I find out who completed the satisfaction survey?
The Shotgun satisfaction survey is completely anonymous, so it's not possible to know the identity of the people who completed it.