👋 Why use promoters?
There are many use cases relevant to create promoters to distribute your event more efficiently:
Partnership with artists that will play at your event.
Partnership with influencers to promote your event.
Partnership with online press, blog or instagram media that can raise awareness your events.
Partnership with students associations to promote your event within their school.
Partnership with local actors to directly sell tickets to your event with a physical point of sale
There are many people that can help you sell tickets to your events faster. Shotgun allows you to empower those Promoters generate more sales, by:
- 📣 Sharing your event online (or in person): on social media, on whatsapp or telegram groups, anywhere!
- 🎁 Offering a custom discount to your event’s ticket
- 👀 Giving access to exclusive deals that regular customer cannot buy on the platform
- 🏪 Selling tickets directly to customers (outside Shotgun platform): in cash, check or using a card payment terminal
💡 How do i create a promoter?
From the Settings section of your Smartboard, you can edit or add a new promoter to your team.
🎸 1. Select event(s)
You can either activate a promoter on all your events (current and future) or manually select in the list. You’ll be able to activate/deactivate any promoter from any event at any time if you change your mind
🔗 2. Generate a custom tracking link (automatic)
This is automatic! A custom tracking link will be generated for each published event your promoter is activated on. Every visit and sale using this link will be associated to the promoter
One custom tracking link per event per promoter.
💡 Everytime a customer buys a ticket using this tracking link, the sale is associated to this promoter
🎁 3. Generate a custom Promo code (optional)
Rather than creating a promo code per event, you can create a unique promo code for each promoter. It will be usable on all the events this promoter is activated on, for any deal.
You can customise the code, the amount (flat or percentage) and add a maximum number of usage per event and per event per user
💡 Everytime a customer buys a ticket and applies this promo code, the sale is associated to this promoter
🏪 4. Activate physical payments for the promoter (optional)
If you activate physical payments (Point of Sale) for a promoter, they will be able to initiate direct sales outside Shotgun platform. This means they will be allowed to collect from customers, on your behalf: cash, check or card payment (using a payment terminal).
Once the transaction has been validated by the promoter, we generate and send the ticket to the customer
💡 Everytime a customer buys a ticket directly from a promoter using physical payments, the sale is associated to this promoter
You can create several promoters at once with the same settings
📊 Monitoring promoter’s sales
Understanding how are performing your promoter is crucial to reward them, and improve your distribution strategy.
For any given event, you can access the list of activated promoters and how much sales they generated (revenue & tickets sold), from the Analytics > Promoters sales section
You can also check the detail per ticket type and category
This regroups all sales of any promoter: either the customer used a promoter’s tracking link, a promoter’s coupon, his physical point of sale, or all of that combined!
💡 Futhermore, in the Orders’ list, you can check if a promoter generated this sale
Furthermore, you can keep track of:
- Sales per tracking link (related to a promoter or not) from the Event > Tracking Links section
- Sales per coupon (related to a promoter or not) from the the Marketing > Promo code section
🗣️ What is it like for promoters?
Promoters get an invitation email for the event you activated them on when the event is published (not when it is created, nor when you launch tickets)
From their own portal, they can access all events they have been activated on. From there, they can:
- See how many sales they generated for each event (and the associated revenue)
- Access the list of orders they generated
- Get their custom tracking link for each event
- Check their promo code, and its usage (if you enabled this option)
- Initiate a physical payment sale (if you enabled this option)
Learn more about the promoters’ portal here 👀
Can i create a ticket that is visible only via promoters?
Yes ! When creating a ticket, you can select visibility = “Promoters link only”. Those ticket won’t be accessible to anyone browsing on the web or the app. Only people using the promoter’s custom tracking link will have access to this ticket (You can request “manual validation” for extra safety if needed)
How do i manage promo codes per promoter?
After creating a promoter, you can decide to add, delete or edit their promo code. If you edit or delete it, we will keep the historical data if any orders were made using the promo code before the update.
How do i check which promoters are activated on which events?
- From the Settings > Promoters team section: click on a promoter “See details”, you can access the list of events this promoter is activated on (and edit it if needed)
- From the Event overview section: on top of the page, you’ll see how many promoters are activated on this event (click it to access sales generated)
- From the Analytics > Promoters sales section: You’ll see the list of activated promoters and how many sales they generated
What are the fees on promoters sales?
The exact same fees apply on promoters’ sales, just like a regular online sale.
Furthermore, when a promoter initiate a physical payment sale, we do not process the transaction: it is being given by the customer to the promoter. In this situation, we couldn’t get our fees directly from the transaction. We generate a debt equivalent to this amount that you can find in the Banking section: “Fees on physical sales” to balance it out.
What about resales and transfers?
When a customer buys a ticket using a promoter’s tracking link and/or coupon, it is counted as a promoter sale. If the ticket is later on resold or transferred, it will still be counted as a promoter sale
Physical sales ticket cannot be resold nor transferred
“Promoters only” deal cannot be resold (but they can be transferred)
How do i delete a promoter?
If you don’t want to work anymore with a promoter, you can deactivate it from all your events, from the Settings > Promoters team section. His promo code won’t work anymore, and his point of sale will be deactivated. His tracking links will still redirects to your event page, and you’ll keep access to historical data (sales, coupons usage, etc)
I cannot activate a promoter to an event, why?
If you are a cohost, you cannot activate one of your promoters to the event, the main organiser will have to do it :)
Fortunately, as an editor cohost, you have access to all the relevant information like the organiser: sales generated per promoters, monitoring of promoter’s promo codes and tracking links.