You can generate custom tracking links to track more accurately the source of your sales
🏃♂️ How does it works
1. Generate a tracking link from the "Promotion" section of the Smartboard. This url is a specific url that redirects to your event page, but with a specific parameter to
2. Share this link on the dedicated channel: on a facebook ad, in a press article, to a specific influencer, etc.
3. Every click and sales coming from this link will be tracked 💫
4. Sales: When exporting your sales CSV details from the "Orders" section of the Smartboard, you will find this information under the "utm_source" column:
❕ Resold / transferred tickets are currently not counted in sales tracking metrics, to avoid fraud.
5. Visits generated by each tracking link will also be visible from the Event Traffic section of your event (more information here)
🤔 How to use it?
We highly recommend you generate as many tracking links as you have marketing campaigns and channels. This will allow you to know precisely where do visits and sales come from: instagram? facebook? newsletter? influencer partnership? etc
With this information, you'll be able to optimize your marketing strategy !
🔀 Default sources
If you don't create any tracking link, we automatically identify from which source visits come from. It can be one of the following:
- Shotgun: The visitor browsed on Shotgun website/app to find the event, or is coming from a notification
- Specific website (Facebook, Instagram, Google, Linktree,…) : We get this information from the browser
- Promoters : Each of your promoters have their own tracking link for each of the events they are activated on.
Direct or unknown:
- Unknown: Sometime we can’t retrieve the parent’s website information, and those visits are considered “unknown” (usually less than 10% of visits)
- Direct: The visitor arrived directly to the event page, not from a browser. This happens for example by clicking an url from a Messenger or Whatsapp conversation. It happens as well when pasting the event url directly in the browser.